So yesterday, I started out my day knowing I was going to my brother's school for a school function they were having, and he had told me that they would have hamburgers and hotdogs, so I'd already decided that I'd rather just get a plain hamburger without a bun than a hotdog, because even though hamburgers may be made with wheat, I really have no idea what makes a hotdog, or if they're even that safe. I got there and they were grilling only hotdogs and putting them in buns for the kids. So I got in line and saw there were no forks so I just ate mine with a bun. :/ I really didn't want to embarrass my brother by eating my hotdog with my hands, like some kind of caveman. ;) I also had a sprite because they had no water. I know, it confused me too. I guess they figured no kid was going to drink water so why bother? I actually didn't feel that bad after having those things, but I tried to keep my consumption of them down, only having 1 hotdog and 1 can of soda, while my brother had 3 hotdogs and 2 cans of coke. It was a party though...
I came home after that and I wasn't really that hungry until about 3:30 p.m. when I ate a snack. I had a banana, pistachios, cashews, and chocolate. Again, it was a very good snack, and I almost want meals made of just that.
For dinner, we went out to Chick-fil-a and I got a Spicy Chargrilled Chicken Fillet, minus the bun. I also ordered a salad. I was kind of hungry after eating all that so I decided that I wanted some yogurt. I got just the yogurt with some strawberries in it, and ate it until I found it was watery. So I stopped eating.
After that, I had some almond butter and soft mozzarella cheese. I think it was a mistake to have so much dairy last night. I couldn't sleep until about 1 in the morning because of how much my stomach hurt. Even sticking my tongue out made me feel like I was going to throw up. I didn't though, so that's good, but I think I'll hold off the dairy for a while.
All in all, I was sad I cheated yesterday because I really wanted to make it through a whole month without eating wheat. However, I count that as kind of 80/20. I didn't feel like I could put the bread aside and not eat it because it would have been wasted and I probably would have gotten weird looks. :) I also kind of wanted to feel the effects of the wheat and soda on me because it would have reinforced my idea that those are bad for me; instead of nothing happening and avoiding them because I just know they're bad.
Okay, well that's all I've got to write for Day 11, so I'm going to wrap this post up. I will try to post my MFP totals later, as I can't do it on this computer.
As promised, my MFP totals! :)
"See" you later!
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