I didn't do much today, and I'm pretty tired right now, so this will be a pretty short entry. For breakfast, I tried making banana pancakes. I mixed up a banana, 2 eggs, and a little less than a teaspoon of vanilla extract. It made crepe-like pancakes, and they were okay. I will probably make a filling or topping with them next time. This is what the picture above is. The pale things are failed attempts, and the 3 small pancakes in front are the ones I really liked. Unfortunately, I couldn't eat all of them.
I ate lunch around 12:30 p.m., which was bacon wrapped steak. I forgot to check the package until after I threw it away however, so I don't even know how many calories were in one. We cooked them on the grill though, and they were really good. We even bought more at the grocery store. I had a "salad" with this (lettuce).
After that, I made some tea and drank about 3-4 cups. I put a little honey in them, but we were kind of running low, and I didn't want too much sugar, so I skimped on it, not that that was a bad thing. I like tea with or without honey.
We went out to dinner today to Woody's Barbeque, and I got the BBQ chicken, which does not have sauce on it. It was all white meat, and dry like I like it. I didn't really eat the skin because it wasn't crispy. I had a small side salad with that, and it had like 2 cucumber slices in it. I could barely eat one of the cucumber slices though because it was too tall and the skin wouldn't go past my braces. :( So I tried to eat the insides. :)
I was still kind of hungry after dinner so I had a handful of cashews. I was still feeling a little hungry around 9, so I ate an apple and a bit of 85% dark chocolate. I got Green and Black this time, and I am not used to that dark! It's still pretty good, but it's strong. I'll definitely have to work up to eating more.
Here is my My Fitness Pal breakdown:
All in all, I thought today was pretty successful, and I was able to stick to my diet another day, so all is well! I will "see" you guys tomorrow! :)
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