Monday, March 20, 2017

I've had trouble over the past couple weeks, I'll admit. I did really bad yesterday with eating and the week leading up to it wasn't great either. I've backslid a little into my old habits but I'm determined to stick with this diet this year.

I've been questioning whether I'm eating enough. When I do Paleo/Primal very strictly, I tend to eat on the low side of my calorie goal for the day. But I tend to feel better.

The last couple of weeks I've just been eating kielbasa and sautéed zucchini for lunch, and by 6 p.m. I've been shaky and had a horrible headache. I think it was my blood sugar. So I added in rice to my meals and that helped, although then I was eating a lot more carbs every day.

And the SUGAR! Oh my goodness, I've been eating sugar non-stop. Iced tea, Smarties, and the like have been filling me up. If it's around me, I eat it.

Yesterday, we went out to lunch at Five Guys and I got a burger and fries (which was amazing!) and then we got ice cream! I didn't mind the burgers and fries, I know they're a lot of calories, but I wanted something nice and filling, even if it was cheating. But the ice cream was too much.

Today I've been eating better, which is a good sign. I hate that I keep falling off the wagon and starting up again just to stop a couple weeks later, but that's what this year is about. Figuring out what foods make me feel the best and eating those.

I know I've had a lot of false starts (and let's be honest, it'll probably keep happening) but keeping this blog up really helps. The only thing I have trouble with is coming up with ideas for these posts, but as long as I do, I'll keep writing.

Until the next post,

P.S. In May I'm going to New York for 4 days, so you can bet I'm going to be eating pizza and other unhealthy foods. But I'll try to keep that to a minimum so that I can go back to healthy eating once I get back. (Or I'll go overboard and vow never to eat pizza again. Who knows.)

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