Let me start off by saying, I'm done apologizing on here. From now on, I'll update y'all with what I'm doing, what I'm eating, and what I plan to do for things. I like the idea of a lifestyle blog, but who knows where this'll go! :)
I don't know if I've said this on this blog before, but eating healthy is hard to do. I need to cut myself some slack and realize this. I have to quit being so hard on myself. I don't like that nearly every previous post apologized for not eating right. It's not like anybody really cares! I'm supposed to be doing this for me, but what this blog became was for the benefit of everyone else. I felt guilty when I didn't update. I was disappointed in myself when I cheated because I was priding myself on not cheating.
I also feel that my diet became more about not disappointing my readers instead of what I set out to do. I want to be healthy and my goal is to "live long and prosper" ;) Haha, by which I mean, I would like to live to the ripe old age of 100. But I'm not going to get even close if I don't do something about my health.
I need to learn how to eat better, and I really want to take y'all on this journey with me. I think it'd be cool to look back at everything years from now. Right now, I'm trying to really think about how food affects me. I'm trying to stop myself and ask "Is this going to help me?" "Is this going to hurt me?" A lot of the time, I end up eating bad things because I never stop and think about how it's going to affect me. Or I don't take the time to look at my other options and just go for what I usually get at a restaurant.
I also want to have a vegetable with nearly every meal. I think if I can substitute some of the carbs I'm eating with veggies, at least I'll get the nutrition and I can start eating less carbs.
I'm gonna say right now, that it's not going to be 100% Primal/paleo. It's probably not even going to be 80% Primal. But that's okay. I need to work on my mindset about food before anything else. Eating less and learning when I feel satisfied rather than stuffed.
I do like a lot of Primal foods, so if I find a really good recipe, I'll post it here.
So maybe this will turn into a lifestyle blog. I'm going to try to start blogging about my life more than just the food I eat. I feel like it'll round out my posts more and hopefully be more interesting!
Anyway, live long and prosper,
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